Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Stare All You Want Girl!

I'm sure you've peeped this video before, but I had to include this on my blog. I never imagined having such a hot girl stare at me for so long. Reegsta was the first ever to claim her, so I'm left just admiring her perfection - perfect face, kissable lips, and cute tongue at the end.

The Jessica Alba Stare Response

Did you catch that smile she had at 1:20? What you didn't see was I was taking off my shirt! Then I started dancing at the end and she got distracted.

And for you ladies...here's the Nash she was referring to...here's his response:

Of course, this all started with Baron Davis! Looks like, they gotta little clique going on.

PS: Thanks to Rols for the blog-ducation on how to add YouTube videos...I wasn't kidding when I said I wasn't computer savvy!

1 comment:

reegsta said...

i could watch that vid on loop. and i'm referring to the first one obviously.