Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ice Tea and Sprite Ain't Right

Was at Costco today, so had to get me the polish sausage meal for lunch. Of course, had to do my usual mixing of the soda flavors at the soda machine. Was my choice a winner? The title of this post gives it away.

Advice for the Day: NEVER mix Nestea Raspberry Ice Tea with Sprite!
You all might be wondering why even mix anything with the Raspberry Ice Tea...it's really good all by itself. Well, being the adventurous person I am, I always want to try different combinations. And it always seemed Sprite was the best mixer with other flavors. But not today! Tasted good when I sipped it at the machine. I kept on sipping it driving home and I was like damn this leaves a bad after-taste! But I kept drinking it since I was thirsty. Then my stomach starts feeling kinda funny. That's it...I get home and its a glass of water to go with my polish sausage! I have barely touched my meal when nature calls and Montezuma has exacted his revenge!

The day went on and so far Montezuma has called me to the throne 2 more times. It's definitely not close to when I was practically on the throne for a day when I had a stomach virus in May. But I blame it all on the drink!

Lesson learned: I'm gonna stick to Arnold Palmers!

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